Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of Monday,
November 4, 2013
Town Hall, Room 5 at 7pm
Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Sergio Coviello (SC), Patricia Fillmore (PF),
Ron Kern (RK)
Staff: Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS), Lynne Clemens (LC)
Tardy: Rita Mullin (RM) at 7:51pm
Call to order: 7:08pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens: None
Acceptance of Minutes: 09/30/13 and 10/07/13
(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to accept the minutes of 9/30/13 as is.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to accept the minutes of 10/07/13 as is.
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
Approved: 5 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
Motion passed
New Business: None
Old Business
• Parks Director Update (MT)
o Fall clean up, winterizing fields, blowing out irrigation lines.
o Little League Field
Sod project, NRLL paid for materials and Marty and staff did labor. Took ¾ days, all done, came out beautiful.
• Recreation Director Update(LC)
o October
Consumed with golf tournament and 25th Hillview event. Broke even on 25th event.
Pumpkin festival-122 children, big success.
½ day event-working on events coming up, NYC trip and planning next brochure.
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• Operation Director Update (MS)
o Financials
FY12 financial report handed out to members and staff to be reviewed at next meeting.
o Permitting program
Demo on software next Tuesday. RecDesk: pricing is about $3500 per year plus initial cost. Should have research completed within two weeks.
Permits are slowing down
• LUC (RM)
o Eisenhauer trails
Starting to clear and mark trails
LUC and Hillview Commission would like to thank P&R members and staff for an excellent job done on the Hillview 25th Anniversary event.
• CIT Updates (RM):
o National Recreation Alliance of sports-CIT will send out notification to members to see if anyone on P&R is interested in becoming a member. This organization helps to keep league and coaches in check. It is a small cost to register. Possibly grant from CIT could cover cost.
• FONRPRC Updates (SS):
o Black Friday Bowl-
Summarized event, number of teams and planning, volunteers etc.
o HS Concession stands update: Discussion had, Eagle Scout Project.
Other Business
o Turf Field (BL)
Billie asked Marty how the maintenance on the Turf field is going and marty responded good. Committee asked when the carpet would need to be replaced and do we have an account set up with monies being set aside for replacement or upkeep and do we have a plan in place. Marty responded that we have not begun yet but we have a plan. Maureen stated that she will analyze the budget and bring result back to committee. Sergio suggested taking $5 per child from user fees and putting in an account. Mike Fitzpatrick asked if we can set up a special account that we can have more than one entity deposit into and Maureen answered yes. Lynne stated that we should have the expense split three ways (Recreation, School and Town). Committee concurred. Also it was
stated that we should be proactive and approach school and town now instead of waiting until something happens so all entities can plan accordingly and start saving now.
Marty said he would bring it up at the next Athletic sub committee meeting.
If all three entities saved $167,000 for 15 years=$500,000 to replace turf.
o Skate Park (RM)
Rita met with NRPD Cadets regarding a project they are doing for the academy. They research the skate park issues and met with RM, LC and MS. They are going to make recommendations and ask for a meeting with the committee to present.
o Lights behind Rec Center (MT)
Two new lights already installed behind Recreation Center by RMLD.
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o Coyote sighting in daytime (LC)
There have been two sighting of a coyote on the Town Hall back field during the day time. We have moved programs inside or to IRP for safety reasons. We have contacted the animal control officer a number of times and have circulated documentation.
o Next Meeting: 11/18/13 (RK will not attend)
1/6/14 (RK) will not attend)
o Next Agenda: Financials and camera’s at Skate Park.
o Adjournment
(MF) Mike Fitzpatrick made a motion to adjourn meeting at 8:30 pm.
(RK) Ron Kern seconds the motion.
Approved: 6 Opposed: 0 Abstained: 0
No Discussion-Motion Passed